Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Can you drink at 9am?

This weekend I did a 10k, Bridges to Brews.  The course was more hilly than I expected but although I had said I believed beforehand it would be my worst race ever, it actually was not.  So, that's a bonus.  I kept trucking along the entire course, channeling Dory from Finding Nemo, "just keep swimming, just keep swimming" and eventually it was over.  Then when it was over I came upon the wet, muddy field where several beer, hard cider and wine vendors awaited to sample their products.  However, after a run, I can hardly think about booze, especially at early morning hours.

It's funny thinking about it though.  As Sam and I were walking to the park, we overheard someone on the phone, talking loudly about how his friends and he had all gone out drinking the night before and apparently only he was able to pull it together enough to get himself to the race that morning.  Oh, to be young and have no responsibilities.  Sam and I laughed about that guy, thinking perhaps his friends would show up and run and still run faster than both of us because that's what happens when you're in your 20's.  You stay up until all hours of the night/morning drinking, you don't train for running events then you on a lark enter and still out perform better conditioned runners who are not hungover.  A-holes, I hope you lose your booze before the first mile.

The rationale for the booze post-race: hair of the dog for the young participants since they are the ones who can drink and run with booze in the stomachs and don't care so much about pace??  I dunno.  I did taste some wine, but it was so odd that it was hardly memorable.  I can drink a bloody mary or something like that, but not wine post-race.

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