Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The allure of a race

I had a nice leisurely morning this morning.  There was no docket to be at so I was able to put on some running clothes and go for a run this morning (alone, without Sam's dog...oh, the joy of running solo without Barni) after the girls went to school.  What a beautiful morning too.  The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and it was warm (which I am not really a fan of, running while it's warm, but it was wonderful.  

Now, as I sit in my office, working (for the most part) I find myself looking at the racecenter.com race calendar because a couple weekends have gone by and I am ahead of schedule with my training for a half-marathon I was planning to enter May 18, the Keizer Iris Festival Half-Marathon.  I just ran 9 miles two-weekends ago.  Therefore, I am feeling like I could probably enter a half-marathon now and be ready to go.  Granted, that's a bit ahead of schedule, but I don't think it's unmanageable.  Then, when I look at the calendar, it's almost like shopping.  Your palms get a little sweaty at the idea of entering that perfect race (at the right price...that is always a factor).  I think I found one.  The Oregon Spring Half in Aurora, May 3.  You click on the event website and learn as much as you can about that particular race.  Is this really a good idea?  Should I really enter this race?  Am I really prepared to run 13.1 miles this weekend in Aurora?  On one shoulder is a pair of talking running shoes saying "yes, you should do it" and on the other shoulder is your jammies and pillow and bed saying, "ugh, stay here and sleep in, you know you want to".  Both incredibly valid points and both incredibly true.  

Why do you draw me in so, race calendar?  What I really need is a race May 10th, the following weekend.  Of course however, when I look for a race that weekend there is no half-marathon within a reasonable distance from my home on the calendar.  Therefore, I am left to the race I have already slated to enter May 18.  I just wanted to enter another one too (can you hear the sadness and disappointment in my voice...imagine a small whiny child...I hear that sound daily).  The Oregon Spring Half is in Aurora.  The event website said it is a flat course too.  I bet it would have been pretty picturesque.  It's at St. Josef's Winery, not that I am familiar with that, but where wineries are located tend to be beautiful.  Hmm, lets click on registration information...Ouch, the registration fee is $75!  Well, there goes the allure and draw of that half-marathon.  Amazing how those jammies and pillow won out so easily.  I will still go out for a run this weekend.  A FREE, self-directed, 11-mile training run for the half-marathon I have coming up May 18 in Keizer (which, I actually need to enter...mental note to self...do that pronto: $50).  The allure of entering another race was foiled by budgetary concerns.  My palms are no longer sweaty...back to work.

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